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发布时间: 2024-05-15 10:53:39北京青年报社官方账号

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"Floating on Nasdaq is both a milestone and a starting point for 111 Inc, and our mission is much bigger than public listing on the stock market," said Yu Gang, co-founder and executive chairman of 111 Inc.

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"Gaming is developing diversity, maturity and innovation. And the blossoming new technologies will also boost the gaming industry's development," Xiao said. "With a raft of popular entertainment apps dominating netizen's smartphone screens, there is less time for gaming apps."

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"Fighting human trafficking is a common responsibility of society and I hope all walks of life will watch closely and help protect children," said Yang Dong, director of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security.


"Fighting poverty is the fundamental task in building an all-round moderately prosperous society," Xi said.


"From an early day, I saw that I could perhaps make some kind of contribution in the healthcare world as it related to the overall societal development. This was too attractive to walk away from," she adds.


